Estimation of the Accuracy of the Relative Locationof A Star With A CCD Attached to the LowerLatitude Meridian Circle
Ji Kaifan, Hu Xiaochun
1992, 0(4): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
A Test for the Determination of the Position of A Celestial Body with A CCD-TV
Zhang Shuxin, Ji Kaifan
1992, 0(4): 7-14.
Abstract PDF
Numerical Control and Automation Engineering of theServosystems of the Antennas of the Solar RadioTelescopes at Four Wavelengths
Yang Kaiping, Ji Shuchen, Zhao Xi, Zhu Jiangning
1992, 0(4): 15-30.
Abstract PDF
Tracking and Scaling Accuracies of the Solar Radio Telescopes at the Yunnan Observatory
Ji Shuchen, Chen Guoqiaflg, Hu Di, Huang Zhankui
1992, 0(4): 31-39.
Abstract PDF
Study of the Driving Interface and Software of the Tape Recorder for the Microcomputer Data Flow
Dai Hongbing, Liu Weiwei, Liu Yushuang
1992, 0(4): 40-50.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Analyses of the Relationship Betweenthe Changes of L.O.D and Chinese Earthquakes ofMagnitude 8.0 in the Twentieth Century
Chen Cuixian
1992, 0(4): 51-53.
Abstract PDF