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The Application of CLEAN Algorithm to Astronomical Image Reconstruction Working in Spatial Domain
QIU Yao-hui, LIU Zhong, LU Ru-wei, LOU Ke
2000, 0(2): 1-9.
Abstract PDF
Estimation for the Secular Influence of Solar Mass-Loss on the Change of the Orbit of the Earth
LI Lin-sen
2000, 0(2): 10-17.
Abstract PDF
A Brief Introduction to the Four Important Action Regions in the Rising Period of the 23rd Solar Cycle
ZHANG Bai-rong, LI Qiu-sha
2000, 0(2): 18-27.
Abstract PDF
Outer Coronal Structure and Relative Intensity Distribution Observed During the Total Solar Eclipse on March 9,1997 in Mohe
LI Qiu-sha, ZHANG Bai-rong
2000, 0(2): 28-33.
Abstract PDF
Relationship Between Solar Activities and Large Flood in the Middle Latitude Regions of the Earth
LI Ke-jun, XIANG Fu-yuan, LI Jian-yong, GU Xiao-ma, LI Qiu-sha, CHEN Xue-kun
2000, 0(2): 34-38.
Abstract PDF
Kinematic Model of the Milky Way
2000, 0(2): 39-47.
Abstract PDF
Astronomical Observation Results Using Adaptive Optical Telescopes
XIONG Yao-heng, BAI Jing-ming
2000, 0(2): 48-57.
Abstract PDF
The Temporal Distributions of Good Imaging for the Spectroheliograph at the Yunnan Observatory
ZHONG Shu-hua, WANG Qiong-zhen
2000, 0(2): 58-64.
Abstract PDF
Spectroscopic Film Coating for the Multi-Prism System
GAO Cai, QIN Song-nian, LI Ru-feng
2000, 0(2): 65-69.
Abstract PDF