Implication And Problems In the Work on A Catalog
Mao Wei, Fan Yu
1989, 0(2): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Traditional Method for Compiling An Observational Catalog
Fan Yu
1989, 0(2): 7-14.
Abstract PDF
The All-Star-Adjustment Method for Compiling An Observational Meridian Catalog
Du. Minghui, Fan Yu
1989, 0(2): 15-20.
Abstract PDF
All-Star-Adjustment Method for Compiling An Almucanter Observational Catalog
Fan Yu, Du Minghui
1989, 0(2): 21-27.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of the Traditional Method with the All-Star-Adjustment Method for Compiling An Observational Catalog
Fan Yu, Mao Wei
1989, 0(2): 28-33.
Abstract PDF
Observation of Stars with An Astrolabe And A Meridian Circle
Peng Qingyu
1989, 0(2): 34-40.
Abstract PDF
A Brief Introduction of the Method for Compiling up A Fundamental Catalog
Chen Linfei
1989, 0(2): 41-46.
Abstract PDF
Systematic And Accidental Errors in A Catalogue
Peng Qingyu
1989, 0(2): 47-53.
Abstract PDF
The Test And Determination of the Systematic Errors of A Catalog by Using the Observations of Some Minor Planets
Chen Linfei
1989, 0(2): 54-58.
Abstract PDF
Introduction of the Methods for Determining the Zero Point of A Catalog
Zhang Jing, Hu Xiaochun
1989, 0(2): 59-70.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on Some Methods for Observing Asteroids
Hu Xiaochun, Zhang Jing
1989, 0(2): 71-76.
Abstract PDF
A New Method for Observing Asteroids
Xu Shui, Hu Xiaochun, Zhang Jing
1989, 0(2): 77-82.
Abstract PDF
A Method for Determining the Corrections for the Equinox And Equator by Separating the Disturbing Forces
Hu Xiaochun, Mao Wei
1989, 0(2): 83-95.
Abstract PDF
Determination of the Corrections for the Nutational Constant
Guo Xinjian
1989, 0(2): 96-101.
Abstract PDF
Various Methods for Determining Corrections for the Precessional Constant
Guo Xinjian
1989, 0(2): 102-113.
Abstract PDF
The Condition for the Work on the Celestial Reference System at Yunnan Observatory
Mao Wei
1989, 0(2): 121-127.
Abstract PDF